Everybody needs to keep clean, even hamsters. Hamsters are low maintenance for hygiene. Hamsters always seem to lick themselves clean but hamsters do also enjoy sand baths. You can get special dust at the pet store. You can also get a sand bath for the sand. Please do not give your hamsters a human bath. The could drown. Hamster teeth are growing and need to be maintained. You can buy them chews and their teeth stay down. We do this because we want to make hamster bites hurt less. Some hamster owners choose to potty train there hamster to go in a little bowl. They use a sand that is like cat litter for hamsters. If you would like to potty train them buy a hamster potty and put sand, substrate and litter pearls in it. They should be able to smell the substrate and start using the potty there. This will make cleaning his cage much easier and it is a good habit for a hamster. Hamsters also groom themselves so there is no need for us to groom them.
